Friday, December 5, 2008

SharePoint: Add a site collection policy to a content type programmatically

In this blogpost, I wrote about how to add a Policy to a content type programmatically.

I got a question by mail how I'd add a site collection policy to a content type in code.

This is the code that can do this:

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(http://server))


SPContentType contentType = null;

//get content type id

foreach (SPContentType type in site.RootWeb.ContentTypes)

if (type.Name == "test content type")
contentType = type;

PolicyCatalog catalog = new PolicyCatalog(site);

if (catalog != null && catalog.PolicyList != null)

foreach (Policy p in catalog.PolicyList)

if (p.Name == "test site collection policy")

//todo: check if contenttype has already got a Policy; then delete the Policy first
Policy.CreatePolicy(contentType, p);

By the way

I don't think the policy on the content type is updated when you update the site collection policy.. I think this should be test very good! I tried this:
- create a site collection policy (in SharePoint UI)
- assign this site collection policy to your content type (in SharePoint UI)
- watch the PolicyItem.CustomData property on the Policy of your content type in code:
Policy pol = Policy.GetPolicy(contentType);

foreach (PolicyItem item in pol.Items)




- Change your site collection policy (in SharePoint UI)

- Rewatch the PolicyItem.CustomData property on the Policy of your content type in code...

=> The CustomDatea property on the policy on my content type was NOT changed... This is pretty weird..